6 Easy Steps to the Calm Zone. 

You'd like your passion back right? You'd like to remember who you are again?
This program contains 6 in-depth steps to make sure you can reclaim your life. I walk with you, by your side as together we craft a path and move you confidently into the Calm Zone.
A Calm Zone designed for you, by you.
  • ​MODULE 1: REVIEW - In this first module you'll take an in-depth look at your story so far. You will start to understand what holds you back as well as what propels you forward. And you'll get an idea of the rumblings that need to happen, in order to achieve a smooth ride into the calm zone. (All 6 sections of this Module are recorded and available at your convenience).
  • MODULE 2: SELF-REFLECTION REBOOT - In this module we will spend some time examining how we really feel about ourselves. We will look at important elements such as self-compassion, core values, judgement and curiosity. All of these create a view of ourselves that influences how we feel about the world and our place in it. (All 4 sections of this Module are recorded and available at your convenience).
  • ​ MODULE 3: ATTITUDE REBOOT - We'll take a look at your view of the world around you, how you participate and how you avoid. During this module we'll also look at your relationships and where different boundaries might be useful. And we will look at your armor, shields and walls. On the positive side we'll look at joy, where you find it currently and where more might be found.
    (All 6 sections of this Module are recorded and available at your convenience).
  •  MODULE 4: REALIGN -  Here's where we will learn some concrete tools to help solidify the ground beneath your feet. We will have spent some time in the previous modules assessing where we are and what we would like to move towards and now we figure out what changes we want to get implemented. (All 5 sections of this Module are recorded and available at your convenience).
  • ​ MODULE 5: RESET - During this module we are going to take some time to look at how we implement the changes we want to see, in a calm and peaceful way. We make some decisions about how quickly we want to implement change and what needs to happen to put it all in place. We can rock the boat hard or not at all. It's all in your control. (All 5 sections of this Module are recorded and available at your convenience).
  • MODULE 6: REAFFIRM - By the end of this module, you will be firmly entrenched in your calm zone. Knowing what's motivating and what's triggering will ensure you have a clear mindset. You will leave this last module with a personalized action plan to ensure you remain firmly in the zone. (All 7 sections of this Module are recorded and available at your convenience).

    This is a self-paced program with all Modules available online.
  • ​ Bonus #1: Two Special Surprise Gift Boxes containing my most Fave Goodies - These gift boxes contain fave’s from my past in-person events as well as a few new goodies. They will be shipped directly to you with love. 
  •  Bonus #2: The 6 Step To The Calm Zone Workbook - Each module is accompanied by a workbook chapter specially designed to enhance your personal development and growth. This 120-page workbook is provided digitally (so you can get going) and then a beautifully designed workbook will be shipped to you.
  • ​ Bonus #3: One 30-minute 1:1 Kickoff Coaching Call with Amber Spend 30 minutes with Amber looking at where the wheels are likely to come off the cart. During this call we will create a smooth sailing plan so you can arrive at the Calm Zone easily and without stress.
  •  Bonus #4: Voxer access to ask questions privately - Voxer access to ask questions privately. Get a response within 24 hours to keep you unstuck and moving forward. Ask Amber questions (and get answers) in private via the Voxer voicemail app from your phone!
  • Bonus #5: My Happy Spotify Playlist - Playing ‘Happy’ music can help us turn our moods around and you will receive Amber’s careful curated playlist of ‘Happy’ music via Spotify. Spotify can be downloaded for free on Apple and Android devices.
  • Bonus #6: A Facebook group - An online community with other like-minded women where you can get support and ask questions. 
  • Bonus #7: Relaxation MP3 - A short relaxation recording created specially for this program.

Course Dates and Times

All lessons within the modules are recorded and can be watched at your convenience.

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ONE TIME OFFER - Bonus Coaching Sessions - Only $497: Give yourself extra support in this amazing journey by doubling your coaching sessions. Adding this extra special gift to yourself, means you can maximize the program and finetune your path to freedom

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